Welcome to gather, learn and enjoy together!
22nd to 24th November, Iceland - 24 CCE, Continuing Coach Education

PCC Certified Coach
Designing Your Daring Coach Life
How can we use tools from Design Thinking to design our own coaching carrier? And how can Dr Brené Brown's research assist us on our way to be more daring coaches? In this session we utilize some of the tools from Designing Your Life and Daring Way™ to increase self-awareness, explore and shift personal perspectives and rewrite our stories. We discuss our coaching identies and shame triggers - how do we want to be seen as coaches and how do we not want to be perceived?
By doing the work we develop coaching superpowers by expanding knowledge, skills, and abilities in the following:
• Being a vulnerable coach;
• Being brave in coaching arenas;
• Practicing empathy with clients and compassion for self;
• Understanding shame in your life;
• Increasing awareness of client shame shields and shame triggers
Ragnhildur was in the first group that learned coaching in Iceland in 2006 and has since done more than 1500 coaching sessions - both as an internal coach, a group & team coach and since 2015 in her own company. She runs Designing Your Life groups and offers courses based on Dr Brené Brown research. One of her strengths is love of learning and she holds several certifications (a diploma in Positive Phycology, and is certified in Five Behaviors of Cohesive Teams™, Everything DiSCⓇ, Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, Daring Way™, Designing Your Life™ Coach and Accredited Strengths Profile Practitioner & Team coach). She is a volunteer for Göngum saman/Walk together that supports breast cancer research and raised $7000 dollars this October by visiting companies with you lecture: Do you want to be Ms Happy or Ms Grumpy?