Welcome to gather, learn and enjoy together!
22nd to 24th November, Iceland - 24 CCE, Continuing Coach Education

Artist & ACC Certified Coach
Improvisation and coaching
What do improvisation and coaching have in common? In both cases, deep listening is needed for good results. In this workshop, we try some simple exercises that actors and dancers use to enhance their improvisation skills and explore how these practices can inform our coaching journey. In a lighthearted and playful manner, we work on opening our senses to be able to listen on many levels and access the intelligence nested in our bodies.
About Ólöf
Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir is a choreographer, dancer, singer, and an ACC certified coach. She has a long career in the performing arts; creating performances, dancing, acting, and teaching. She was a lecturer at Iceland University of the Arts where her main subject was Movement and Physical Awareness for actors. Improvisation has been among Ólöf’s core skills as a performer and an integral part of her extensive teaching. It has proved to be a great tool for the creative process of coaching.