Welcome to gather, learn and enjoy together!
22nd to 24th November, Iceland - 24 CCE, Continuing Coach Education

Coaching is a divine service for humanity.
What is CCE & ICF?
CCE is shortening used but International Coaching Federation, ICF, for the certificate you can receive after participating in continuing coaching education. For this festival, if you participate in the full program, you will receive 24 CCE, which may be used for renewal of certifications.
What does MCC, PCC & ACC stand for?
To hold a high standard of the coaching profession, International Coaching Federation, ICF, offers the possiblitiy to certify ourselves in different levels.
First level is called Assosciated Certified Coach, ACC, second level of more experience is called Professional Certified Coach, PCC and truely mastery is proven at the level of Master Certified Coach, MCC.
More information
For more information about certification levels welcome for a free introduction, please contact coachtraining@evolvia.is
If you are PCC or MCC and you wish to offer a workshop, please by sending mail to coachtraining@evolvia.is
We celebrate our coaching methodology life - with music and workshops!
We grow each moment and want to be in continous upgrade of our understanding and competence with regards to the methodology.
- You who are interested in living a conscious and aware life, feel connected and gather inspiration.
- You with a curiousity for what the coaching methodology can bring to your leadership or
- You who are trained in coaching methodology, who like to refresh, update and deepen your understanding.
- You who are an experienced coach, who like to enjoy, connect, reenergies with other trained coaches.
Three days, full relaxed weekend full of workshops and music.
We start Friday at 17.00, the 22nd November.
Saturday morning we begin by 9.00 am and end with hot tub party in the nature, in evening. (for those who like). Sunday our schedule starts by 9 am and ends at 18.00.
Participating during all festival - grants you 24 CCE, Continuing Coach Education.
We mix music and great food and togethernes with workshops of your choice, see the schedule.
Full schedule of workshops/lectures around coaching methodology, held by MCC:s, PCC:s, ACC:s. 24h of CCE Continuing Coach Education, for you who need a certificate.
Delicious food in a wonderful lakefront hotel environment, from dinner Friday, lunch, snacks and dinner of wonderful nutrition Saturday then tea, coffe, snack & lunch Sunday.
Music and entertainment. Saturday hot tub party, the icelandic way.
We learn from experienced coaches, a mix of focus and presence on many different angels of our amazing methodology, with music, food and movement. Welcome to choose each session of your choice. Have a look at the schedule.
Ásta Guðrún Guðbrandsdóttir, MCC
Matilda Gregersdotter, MCC
Guðbjörn Gunnarsdóttir, PCC
Hulda Guðmundsdóttir, PCC
Matti Ósvald, PCC
Ragnhildur Vigfúsdóttir PCC,
Anna Claesen, ACC
Anna María Þorvaldsdóttir, ACC, Applied for PCC
Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir, ACC & Music
Dag Silver, Music
Reema Asender, Music
***See workshop content and about each lecturer at the menu bar.
Airport is called Keflavik International Airport. If you like to have a room at the hotel where the Festival is held please contact kriunes@kriunes.is, you book your room separately and directly with Hotel Kriunes. If you like a room downtown at a guesthouse, 15 min drive away, we offer a discount before and after the Festival, use the discount code: CoachingFestival-Feb24
Festival begins Friday at 17.00, full Saturday and full Sunday, ends at kl 18.00.
Early Bird Festival Ticket 49.000 ISK (310 eur) Sold out
Festival ticket 63.000 ISK (416 eur).
One day festival ticket 25.000 ISK (170 eur).
If you are in need of a scholarship please be in contact evolvia@evolvia.is