Welcome to gather, learn and enjoy together!
22nd to 24th November, Iceland - 24 CCE, Continuing Coach Education

MCC Certified Coach
The Presence and Power of Silence!
Ásta will discuss these themes with you:
- What happends in the silence?
- Why is presence so important in Coaching?
- How can we practise presence and be silent?
An open conversation about mastering the skills of silence and presence in the coaching session.
About Ásta
For a living I am today an MCC (Master Certified Coach) certified coach since May 2022. I have been self-employed since I started to study coaching in 2014 and I also take on all kinds of exciting projects aside. As an example of a project I was a mentor coach and a coaching teacher in both basic and advanced coaching education at Evolvia from the autumn of 2016
until 2021. Today it is mostly about leadership training.
Contact Ásta